week 10 college vs high school

 To the highschooler looking at college,

For me, college feels way different than High School.  I don't know if it's because I went to a vocational school for junior and senior years, but College seems to be a lot more laid-back experience. There were a few misrepresentations told to me by High School teachers about going to college.  The first is, that college professors we're extremely strict. There may be a few that are but in my experience, they tend to be very laid-back. The second is that you have to go to college right after high school or it's not worth going. This isn't necessarily a bad or good option, but you can always go back to school later on in life. The Third is that you need to go to college. There are many other career options out there that don't need a college degree, particularly in the skilled trades. These types of jobs are perfectly viable to make a living off of.





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