In a cell
(A little off prompt because it is a true story) The cell is completely empty, the inmate the cell belong to previously went to the hospital. I'm not the next occupant, part of my job as a corrections officer, is to secure inmate's belongings if they are going to be away for any length of time. I just got done clearing out all his stuff and was checking to see if anything was missed. Content with the state of the room I head toward the door and hit the call button. Nothing. This cell block is the prison's dementia ward. The prison doesn't allow inmates with dementia to unlock their doors from the inside. Right now, inside my office, there is a little blinking light corresponding to the cell I'm in, notifying that an inmate would like to leave their cell. There's also only one CO stationed on this block. That would be me. So here I am, and I'm an idiot. Well now, what do I do? I got my usual kit on me, cuffs, keys, and radio. Cuffs aren't going to do m...